
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I lied.

Because I finally saw Kubrick's final film Eyes Wide Shut and I felt compelled to at least write a few thoughts down about it. Nothing major though.


EWS is a film that is heavily controversial, as most of Mr. Kubrick's work. Not only is it frustratingly alienating, but it's heavy with some relatively graphic nudity and sexual content. However, the film's theme being sexuality as a prominent aspect of humanity, this content was in no way uneccesary.

In fact, one might argue that this is Mr. Kubrick's most hopeful film. It's the only film I've seen by Kubrick that affirms a possibility of redemption for humanity. This is strange for Stan, as all of his other films seem to have given up on our species.

This film in no way portrays sexuality as a careless thing, with no consequences. It is this that keeps this film from being dubbed as "pornography" or "dangerous".

Lets face it people, sexuality is a prominent part of being human. It is an important and defining part of our humanity. However, it is dangerous, and not something to be taken lightly.

Aside from the themes and content, it is typical Kubrick brilliance. Having re watched most of Kubrick's films over the past few days, I've noticed that the man is actually quite a brilliant writer, and EWS is no exception.

Kubrick's photographer's eye shines as usual, as does his brilliant sense how music should be used in film. That's one thing I really love about Kubrick, his ability to take two art forms which are too often separated and to mesh them together perfectly.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise (who is a great actor, no getting around it) have amazing chemistry and both do stellar jobs. Everything about this film is undeniably good.

However, this film is not for the immature. I wouldn't recommend seeing this unless you are able to maturely handle large amounts of nudity. If one is able to approach this with an objective eye, paying attention to the brilliance of the themes, it's quite a rewarding experience. And one with a relatively Christian message. However, despite your beliefs or viewpoints on subjects it's definitely one of Kubrick's most human films, and one of my favorites by this excellent director.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

So, no more reviews from me because each time I put thought into writing a long, in-depth review of films that change my life, they are generally ignored. Not gonna waste my time anymore. I don't write them for myself.

Humanity is continuing to annoy me. It blows my mind how stupid and petty people are. I read a news article today about these stupid retards trying to get a 28th Amendment; being that people running for political offices must wear American flag pins in public.

That has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. This country has bigger things to worry about like our economy, the war, immigration issues and the like, but instead people are going to waste our time on this stupid crap. That's American for you though. The oh, so great country of stupid morons.

Not like the rest of the world is any better though. Except New Zealand. They're pretty much the best country ever. I don't doubt that I may very well end up there one day.

Plus, don't you love those little bad-asses on YouTube who go on peoples videos and make comments like: "SO stoopid!" "wow. gaY!" "LYK, OMG, WUT A WAZT OF TYME!" Those kinds of people are so funny in their pathetic-ness.


Monday, May 12, 2008

The End... of The Beginning.

Well, it's not officially official and it wont be until Saturday, but I am no longer a high school student. It's a really strange concept that hasn't become a reality in my mind yet. I am glad, though. I'm ready to start doing things I care about.

This summer I hope to be busy. I'd like to write the entirety of my novel, film my documentary, see even more films, and just hang out with people who are still gonna be around that I don't get to hang out with that often. I'd also like to get a vehicle at some point...

Those are pretty much my plans for the summer. Not sure what Fall will bring, but I'm just gonna take things one little step at a time.

Here's to...stuff.