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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

G' Day

I know that you might think it a bit weird that I'm online on Christmas day, but in my family Christmas day is the most uneventful day of the year. We get up, exchange gifts, stuff our faces and then do nothing all day long. It's pretty freaking grand. I think that is the way Jesus would have wanted it. I watched two films today: Once and Rain Man both of which were very nice movies.

Fear not, however, for this blog post is not going to be just a recap of my uneventful Christmas day, but instead I'm going to blog about something I love very, very much (and if you don't know by know that I love this you're under a rock): film. As much as I love and appreciate the medium this doesn't mean that it does not have a dark side.

So, that being said I present you with the theme for the day:

My BOTTOM 10 Films of 2007
This list may cause a bit of controversy, but keep in mind that these are merely my opinions and I do not speak for any others.)

DISCLAIMER: I haven't seen the so called worst films of the year such as Epic Movie and Transformers, so that is why this list doesn't include them. If I had seen said movies, they probably would have made the list.

10. The Invisible


An absolutely dull and uninspired movie that drags you into the pits of teen angst and despair. Riddled with stupid plot point after stupid plot point it stumbles down a predictable road into a completely sappy ending with absolutely no substance. Justin Chatwin is dull and emotionless throughout the entirety of his performance and the rest of the cast isn't much better. There is no and we are instead treated to one whiny emo song after another blaring over the film and completely ruining the film. I had high hopes for this one but was sadly let down.

9. Dan in Real Life


I am going to be slaughtered for this, but I don't care. I found this movie to be very mediocre. A movie that almost seemed to demand that I be charmed by it that is full to the brim with ROMCOM cliches and a terribly ridiculous plot. The situations, dialogue, and overall structure of the film were tiresome and dull. While not devoid of it's positive points such as nice acting (except Dane Cook who should disappear forever), genuinely funny moments and a wonderful soundtrack, I was mostly turned off and unimpressed by this film. I guess the horrific Dane Cook performance, awkwardly hidden cliches, unlikable characters and a script that screamed, "I'M WITTY AND CHARMING! GIVE ME AN ORIGINAL SCREEN PLAY OSCAR," just really didn't work for me as it seemed to for others.

8. Spider-Man 3


Without a doubt, the most disappointing movie of the year. I am quite smitten with the first two Spider-Man flicks, but this one seemed... off. A ridiculous plot that made me roll my eyes on several occasions that gave way to numerous unnecessary subplots made this film convoluted, uneven and heavy handed. The characters I fell in love with in the first two movies seemed in this one as if they were strangers masquerading as the old ones. The writing was terrible and the sappy, we-learned-that-revenge-is-bad ending was the break in the Titanic's hull. An overall terrible disappointment.

7. Pirates of the Caribbean


Yet another disappointment of a movie. Though entertaining for the first hour, the film is horribly misguided and overly complex with an over the top climax that ultimately didn't satisfy me. I'm not one to hate on action films because their action films, but this one just didn't work. Johnny Depp's weird Jack Sparrow is worn out and Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley are desperately obnoxious. Stupid plot twists, dull yet confusing character interactions and a preposterous and cringe worthy wedding scene made this film... well.. bad.

6. The Last Mimzy


What the heck was this movie? What was the point? I don't even need to say anything else.

5. In the Land of Women

See here:


4. The Messengers


This movie was a terrible horror film. Not a laugh out loud funny kind of horror film, not a so bad it's good horror film, it's just a flat out suckfest! Kristin Stewart is a terrible actress and her career should never go anywhere! The direction, cinematography, scare scenes and plot twists were misguided and felt as though they had been done by a ten year old( although I think a 10 year old could make a better movie). Terrible and a waste of 90 mins. of my life.

3. Thr3e


Thr3e is one of my favorite Dekker novels and I was excited to see the adaptation. Boy, what a stinker. Everyone involved in this project took Dekker's book and raped it several times over. Terrible acting, directing, writing, camera work, etc. made me want to puke because the source material for this film is so good. I am now officially scared for any upcoming Dekker or Peretti adaptations as I know that they will receive the same brutal treatment as this one did.

2. Licence to Wed


What a horrendous movie. Dan in Real Life had cleverly hidden cliches while this one had blatant and unashamed cliches doing a jig for the entire hour and half running time. Mandy Moore and Robin Williams were absolutely terrible and while the awesome John Krasinski gave in a good turn it wasn't enough to save this train wreck. The sad thing was...it was too bad to look away. I couldn't bring myself to turn it off and I horribly regretted it. This is the reason why I dislike modern romantic comedies so much. Where did the 90's ROMCOM's go?

1. High School Musical 2


Is it possible to say that there is a worse movie than the first High School Musical? Yes. It's putrid sequel HSM 2. And what saddens me even more is that the masses of the MTV generation have been fooled into thinking that this singing and dancing piece of turd is actually quality! I can accept when people say that Transformers is the best film of the year, because I mean at least that looks like quality trash. This, however, is unacceptable! It's blatantly disgusting and in all honesty thematically repulsive. At least the first film was for individuality and acceptance. This one seemed to almost be the opposite. Troy was a complete and utter pushover for the entire film. He let his friends and his girlfriend walk the heck all over him and in the end nobody got their comeupance. Don't even get me going on the terrible musical numbers. This is, without a doubt, the worst movie of 2007.


Unknown said...

WHAT?! are you seriously telling me that the finger pistol scene of Spiderman 3 wasnt AMAZING?! If the answer is yes, than you an me both.

And I am really glad that Im not the only one that didnt like Dan in Real Life. I guess the only reason I liked it, besides the soundtrack, was the things it reminded me of, not really what was happening.

I was subjected to the horror of POTC 3 two nights ago and I had forgotten how terrible the mock Henry VI speech was.

overall, I applaude you for your movie choices.

Donovon Carter said...

I must agree with you about High School Musical two, and I have not seen many of the others you mentioned.
I will just say, I liked Pirates, but I am not a person you is into "film" so maybe I my opinion is off. As a "normal" person who liked the other 2 pirates movies, I thought it was pretty good.
I didn't care much for Spider man 3, except for the Jazz lounge scene.
Thats still a good list. I would like to see Dan in Real Life though, cause I haven't.