
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thoughts and Feelings for the Day- December 16, 2007

It is an amazing feeling to do something for others. I can't even begin to put it into words what an amazing thing it was to watch as those children received their brand new bicycles. The utter joy and gratitude was something that one had to see to understand. It blows my mind how society ruins Christmas and then how we all sit around and complain about it. Talk is cheap. If you want the real meaning of the season then get the hell off of your ass and go do something worthwhile! Even the smallest thing can mean something. Let's be selfless for a bit and bless others, because in the end it will bless you as well.

I think that, for the first time in my life, I understand what it means to love somebody. It's something I can't really comprehend, but this isn't the same as the last few times. There is something that seems right about it. It's almost like I'm being nudged in that direction. I can't really explain it because it goes way beyond my emotions. And you know what, it is so important to me that I'm willing to wait. I'm willing to wait until the time is right and God says: "
Go ahead." I don't care how long it takes. This doesn't seem typical. I don't think it is. this isn't me in over my head or judging something based on a feeling.

I'm so ready for 2008. While 2007 has been an important year and a year of major growth for me it hasn't been pretty. I really feel that 2008 is the year for positive change. It's basically like God planned it this way:

2006 was the year of my ultimate downfall as a human being.
2007 was a year of rethinking things and growing up the hard way.
and for 2008 I feel like God is telling me that things around me are going to start looking up and that I'm really going to start walking in my destiny. This encourages me and makes my troubles from the past two years seem pointless. There's just a couple more things to get out of the way. Gotta put my faith in the one who saves.

I'm also renouncing my stance as a hardcore cynic. I still have some hope for humanity and... as ashamed as I may be to admit it... I'm actually a bit of a sentimentalist. Yet, fear not my friends, for I hope to keep a healthy balance of cynicism and sentimentality in 2008.

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease (and there goes my sentimental side),



Donovon Carter said...

I will comment again. hehe
I think you made the right decision waiting. I am hoping to learn something from that. Patience is a virtue.

Unknown said...

I think a mistake that alot of people make is love as marriage. I guess thats what I learned going to Tijuana. So many people are always talking about love in the sense of a romantic relationship, but limiting love to just that is missing the point. More and more I see that love is so much more than just having infatuations or marriage.

Having that said, I dont care if I ever get married. Right now, God's love is enough for me.

Unknown said...

I think a mistake that alot of people make is love as marriage. I guess thats what I learned going to Tijuana. So many people are always talking about love in the sense of a romantic relationship, but limiting love to just that is missing the point. More and more I see that love is so much more than just having infatuations or marriage.

Having that said, I dont care if I ever get married. Right now, God's love is enough for me.

Unknown said...

How is it I post things twice?

Bradley_of_the_Fields said...

i think someone missed the point...

even though you won't read this, I really think you missed the point...

Unknown said...

didnt think I would did ya? but I DID! HA!

anyways, I definetely got what you said. I just had to get some frustration out. Sorry it had to be on your comment box.

Bradley_of_the_Fields said...

Yeah, sorry for that actually.

I needed to take something out on somebody and you provided me with a perfect opportunity. I realize what you were trying to say and I respect and even agree.

and it is funny how you always post things twice by accident.