
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thoughts for the Day - 2/10/2008

It's funny how God convicts us of things. This past week has been hectic, stressful and all around insane. However, I don't think I can recall once acknowledging God and just taking time to be in His presence, worshiping Him.

So today I'm in church, and all I can think about is how tired I am (haven't slept well this week). All of a sudden God starts convicting me. I started to really think about my week and I realized that I hadn't given Him the time of day this week.

So I had to do some major praying about that.

It's strange though, how easy it is to ignore God. I can be having the worst week of my life or the best week of my life. Yet, I don't acknowledge God moving in my life. I don't often just stop and lift up a quick prayer. I don't listen out for His voice. I don't think to go in my room for a little while and just worship.

I started feeling really sad about that. I tried to put myself in God's shoes and understand how it must feel to be ignored. And I must say that it probably hurts Him quite badly.

I love God so much. He has been doing so many things in my life over the past few months and I haven't stopped to take time to thank Him?

It makes me angry at myself. I'm just glad that God is forgiving and is willing to forget.

I intend to change this manner of living. I want to start spending more time soaking up God's presence and living life with Him as the focus.

"I am the way, follow Me and take My hand.
I am the truth, embrace Me and you'll understand.
I am the life, and through Me you'll live again.
For I am love."

1 comment:

madeleine_grace said...

Amazing.hin the relient k/switchfoot lyrics :)

I have never thought of God being ignored before. Thank you for opening your eyes to that. And, Also...

Trick question:
Does God always gets what he wants?
