
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So Much For My Sad Song...

The present isn't the nicest right now.

I'm pretty much sick of school; I'm ready to finish with that tripe.

I miss my youth group.

I miss my close friends.

I feel like I'm wasting my time with this person...

Plus, I've still got that... thing weighing me down.

However, God is bigger than all that. And I really feel a great thing coming my way. And I'm completely excited for it. I just have to be patient and wait on Him. Which I've done plenty of so it's nothing new.

Why be afraid,
No reason to hide,
Take the chance,
Put it all on the line,
Draw in a deep breath and throw open the door,
'Cause that's what a heart is beating for.


Donovon Carter said...

Couldn't agree with you more on all of the above...
Definitely the truth for me right now as well.

Unknown said...

We're almost there dude. Just pull through.

LC, said...

Again, nice post. :(
This is pretty much me right now.
Almost graduating... wasting my life with someone, and trying my best to grow out of this situation and trust God with it all.