
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I think I hate the whole concept of blogging now. See, the thing about this world is that everybody has an opinion. It's an inescapable fact. The world is around us, everybody views it in their own way, and then they formulate their opinions on it.

Whereas some people's opinions are well-thought out, have foundations, and can be taken into objective consideration; there are also those other folks. To quote Phillip DeFranco: "Everyone's opinion matters, until they decide to open up and share with the rest of the world how stupid and ignorant they actually are."

Blogging, and the internet in general, is a cesspool of opinions, smart and stupid; but mostly stupid. See, from the safety of their homes, hidden behind their computer screens people can say whatever the hell they feel like. They're free to twist words, make things sound pretty, and all that jazz. Although the majority of them just say what they want with absolutely no grace.

Take YouTube for instance. Go to any video with thousands of hits, and you'll seem them. The neggys, who go video to video spouting their worthless ignorance and stupidity.
"I cant buleve I wasted my tyme on dat shite!"
"dood, u suck man."
"my fat uncle's farts are better than you."

It's like everybody in the world who doesn't know how to use their brains just flock to the internet. It's becoming a place I really hate.

I guess I'm just tired of people being able to edit what they say, to make themselves sound smarter than they actually are. I just wish folks would grow a little bit of decency and sensibility and discuss their opinions in a thoughtful, tolerate manner. And preferably in person so that if they're opinion makes no sense they can be called out on it, unable to take anything back!

Yet, that's just MY opinion. ;)