
Why're you here? Just 'cause? Oh, ok, that's cool.

Well look around. Take what you want. All complaints must be submitted to my agent. If you don't have his number...you're screwed.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Denying oneself for the sake of an easier existence.
It's a process.
When you reach the other side you may not seem to find a peace of mind immediately,
For there's still family and friends who may not see things the way that you wish they would.
It's a process.
But on the other side is there true happiness? Can one be "wrong" yet be happy?
Why care? Why allow others to define the way your life is lived?
All we really want is to be happy. The search for personal satisfaction is ultimately how we live, is it not?
I want to share my life with the people I love, but what if they don't want to be a part?
Then what do I have left?
My own life. My own path. My own happiness in spite of others disapproval.
So why continue lying?
Because it's easier.


The Newsgirl said...

I like the honesty, and I often feel that way too...

Haley B. said...

This is the time of your life when you're truly becoming your own person. People who were used to the "old" you might get scared. But this is how you learn who your real friends and family are- the ones that will support and stand by you despite the changes.